The 6 Best Hand Quilting Stitches You’ll Love To Use

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As quilting enthusiasts, we are always on the lookout for new quilting stitches to add to our repertoire. Whether you are a beginner quilter or an experienced hand quilter, these six best hand quilting stitches will be a big hit!

Not only do they look pretty and capture the beauty of quilting, but they also provide optimum support for your quilt batting and keep the quilt neatly stitching together. So what are you waiting for? Give these stitches a try and see the difference they make in your quilting projects!

Hand Quilting Stitches

Hand quilting stitches are the foundation of the craft and can be used to create beautiful quilts. Here are the top 6 stitches you’ll love to use:

Supplies For Hand Quilting

Supplies for hand quilting can be quite pricey, so it’s important to shop around and find the best deals. Here are some of the supplies you’ll need:

– Quilt batting

– Fabric for quilting

Quilting iron for pressing fabric

– Piecing tools (pins, needles, seam ripper)

Sewing Threads in various colors and weights.

Tips for Choosing Quilt Fabric

Here are four helpful tips when shopping for fabrics for hand quilting:

Tips for Choosign Quilt Fabric

1. Choose a fabric with a low thread count – this will decrease the amount of stitching required

2. Look for prints that will look good on both light and dark fabrics

3. Consider an absorbent or moisture wicking fabric

4. Check the yardage before purchasing

What size needles are best for hand quilting?

A quilter’s needle is a hand sewing needle with a long eye and sharp point. It is used for piecing together small and delicate fabrics. The size of the needle you’ll need will depend on the thickness of the fabric you’re using.

Size 10 hand quilting needles are good for light-weight fabrics such as batiste, lawn, and muslin.

Size 8 hand quilting needles are good for medium-weight fabrics such as cotton and flannel.

Types of Hand Quilting

Hand quilting is a versatile and rewarding activity, perfect for quilters of all levels of experience. If you’re new to the craft, take a look at some of the top stitches to use. Half-hexagons are a great stitch to start with, as they’re versatile and look good in a variety of projects.

Types of Hand Quilting


Tying is a simple and effective way to finish a quilt. It secures the layers of fabric in place and prevents them from shifting, making it ideal for hand quilting. To tie a quilt, you will need a hand needle and thread, as well as a thimble (if you’re not using a self-threading needle).

Start by threading the needle and tying a knot at the end. Then, insert the needle into the quilt top and bottom about an inch from the edge. Pull the thread through until the knot is snug against the fabric.

Next, take a small stitch in the quilt top and bottom, about 1/4 inch from the first stitch. Tie the two threads together in a double knot, making sure that the knot is secure but not too tight.

Repeat these steps around the entire perimeter of the quilt. When you’re finished, trim any loose threads and enjoy your handiwork!


Sashiko is a form of hand quilting that originated in Japan. It uses a simplerunning stitch to create intricate patterns, and it can be used to decorate clothing, linens, or other textile items. Sashiko stitching is often done with indigo-dyed thread, which creates a beautiful blue contrast against the fabric.

The technique is relatively easy to learn, and it’s a great way to add a personal touch to any project. While sashiko is traditionally associated with Japan, it has been adopted by quilters all over the world.


Hand quilting is a traditional technique that has been used for centuries to create beautiful, unique quilts. Unlike machine quilting, which is done with a sewing machine, hand quilting is done entirely by hand, using a needle and thread. There are several types of hand quilting stitch, but the most common is the running stitch.

To create a running stitch, the quilter simply passes the needle in and out of the fabric, making small, even stitches. The resulting line of stitches is usually about ¼ inch long.

Another popular type of hand quilting stitch is the butterfly stitch, which creates a small looped design that resembles a butterfly. The butterfly stitch is made by passing the needle over and under the fabric, and then pulling it through to create a small loop. Whether you use a running stitch or a butterfly stitch, hand quilting is a slow and painstaking process. But the results are well worth the effort!

Best Hand Quilting Stitches

Hand quilting is a beautiful and intricate craft that can be enjoyed by anyone. If you’re new to the game, here are the top 6 stitches you’ll love to use. To expand your sewing toolbox even more, make sure to see our hand embroidery fill stitch guide.

Best Hand Quilting Stitches for Beginners

Running Stitch

If you’re looking for a quilting stitch that is both accurate and easy to do, the running stitch might be the perfect choice. It’s great for binding curves and adding a finished look to your quilt, making it the ideal stitching option if you’re aiming for a summery vibe.

Additionally, the running stitch works best with lightweight fabrics- meaning it will give your quilt an effortlessly breezy feel in summertime! Whether you’re working on something small or large- this quick and simple stitching method is sure to make things go faster!

Stitch in the Ditch Stitch

If you’re looking for a stitch that can add some depth and dimension to your quilt or project, stitch in the ditch is the perfect option. It can be used as an embellishment on your quilt or as a foundation layer.

Additionally, it makes an excellent border around your piece of art. Going hand-in-hand with this stitches somewhat utilitarian looks is its ability to create texture – something that’s often desired in contemporary designs. So go ahead and give stitching in the ditch a try! You won’t regret it!

Rocking Stitch

The Rocking Stitch is a hand quilting stitch that is worked in a figure eight motion. Start by bringing the needle up through the fabric at the center of the eight. Then, take a small stitch to the left and come up through the fabric again at the bottom left corner of the eight.

Next, take a stitch to the right and come up through the fabric at the bottom right corner of the eight. Finally, take a stitch back to the center and come up through the fabric. Repeat this process until you have stitched the entire design. The Rocking Stitch is a great choice for hand quilting because it is easy to control and produces consistent results. It is also a good choice for beginners because it is easy to learn.

Quilter’s Knot

If you are a beginner quilter, the Quilter’s Knot is a great stitch to start with. It is easy to tie and helps keep fabrics secure while quilting.

Additionally, it can be used for various tasks such as binding seams or attaching fabric pieces together. So if you’re looking for an versatile knot that’ll suit your needs well, the Quilter’s Knot should definitely be on your list of stitches!

Loading the Needle Stitch

Loading the needle stitch is a great stitch for quilting and can be used in a variety of fabrics. It’s perfect for those cold winter days when you need something warm to wrap around yourself!

The stitch is simple to learn and takes little time to complete, making it the ideal stitch for beginners.

Zig Zag Stitch

Are you in the market for a stitch that can really bring your quilting to life? If so, Zig Zag stitch is perfect for you!

This intricate design creates beautiful lines and curves on the fabric, making it ideal for quilts and afghans with lots of details. To get the best results from this stitch, use a long needle – otherwise the stitches will be too small. And make sure to practice frequently as zigzag stitching is not easy to master at first! French Knots are another great choice when it comes to adding texture and visual interest to projects.

About Quilting Hoops

Hand quilting is a beautiful and intricate process that requires the use of quilting hoops. These tiny metal circles come in different sizes and shapes, so there’s bound to be the perfect one for you.

Quilting Hoops

If you’re new to the hand quilting game, a quilting hoop is a great tool to start with! It’ll help you get creative with your quilt designs and add an extra layer of detail. You can also use them to edge your quilts or create borders around the entire piece. So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself a quilting hoop today!

To Hoop

If you’re a beginner quilter, you may be wondering if quilting hoops are really necessary. The answer is yes and no. While they are not required, they can certainly help the process go more smoothly.

If you’re working on a small project, quilting hoops can help keep the fabric taunt so you can better see what you’re doing. They also make it easier to maneuver the fabric around and keep your stitches even.

However, if you’re working on a large project, quilting hoops may not be necessary. It all depends on your personal preference!

Not to Hoop

If you’re not a fan of quilting hoops, that’s perfectly fine! There are plenty of other ways to keep your fabric taunt while quilting. You can try using washi tape, basting spray, or even safety pins.

Whatever you choose, just make sure it’s something that won’t damage the fabric or leave behind any residue. And always test it out on a scrap piece of fabric before using it on your project.

Ideal Stitch Length for Hand Quilting

When hand quilting, the length of the stitch is an important factor to consider. If the stitches are too long, they may come undone easily. On the other hand, if the stitches are too short, the quilt may begin to feel stiff and uncomfortable. So what is the ideal stitch length for hand quilting?

A good rule of thumb is to make stitches that are approximately ¼ inch long. This length provides a balance of strength and flexibility, making it ideal for most quilting projects. Of course, there may be times when a different stitch length is more appropriate. For example, very small stitches may be necessary for detailed work, while larger stitches may be better suited for piecing together large sections of fabric. Ultimately, the best stitch length for hand quilting is one that fits the needs of the project at hand.

Stopping Hand-Quilting Stitches

Once you learn some common hand quilting stitches, it is important to know how to stop or tie off your stitches. This will ensure that your quilt is secure and will not come undone.

There are a few different ways to stop hand quilting stitches. One method is to take a small stitch in the same direction, then backstitch over it a few times. Another option is to make a knot at the end of the thread, then trim the excess.

Whichever method you choose, be sure to test it out on a scrap piece of fabric before moving on to your project. This will help you avoid any mistakes and ensure that your quilt is well-made and secure.

What type of quilting thread do you use for hand quilting?

Use thread specially designed for hand sewing. Quilt thread is heavier than standard stitching thread. Experienced quilts are very fond of cotton threads.

Quilting threads may also be covered to facilitate easy navigation through layers of fabric. Quilting threads may be ordered with different colors. Alternatively, contrasting colors may add visual interest to your quilts.

How long does it take to hand stitch a quilt?

Although a hand quilt is a relaxing and rewarding process, it can also be time-consuming. The size and type of the quilt, the type of fabric, and the complexity of the design all play a role in determining the amount of time it will take to complete the project. Additionally, the skill level of the stitcher makes a difference. A beginner might need twice as much time as an experienced seamstress to complete a quilt. 

The time it takes to hand stitch a quilt will depend on the size of the quilt, the number of layers, the type of fabric, and the level of detail. A simple quilt may only take a few hours to stitch, while a more complex quilt could take days or even weeks.


If you’re interested in hand quilting, you’ll love the top 6 stitches mentioned in the blog! By learning about these stitches and using them correctly, you’ll be able to produce beautiful quilt patterns with ease. So, what are you waiting for? Start hand quilting today and enjoy the beautiful results!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I create straight lines with my needle by using shortcut stitches?

This information is from Stitch Dictionary: A Practical and Inspirational Guide to Choosing and Working with Over 200 Classic Stitches, by Lucinda Ganderton. To create straight lines with your needle by using shortcut stitches, hold the stitch in your left hand and insert the needle into the next stitch on the right hand needle, making sure the stitch on the right hand needle is below the stitch you just inserted the needle into. Then pull the stitch out of the left hand needle and continue stitching.

What is the difference between a piecing and binding method for quilting?

A piecing method is when the quilt top is assembled from a series of small pieces that are then sewn together. A binding method is when the quilt top is assembled from a series of larger pieces that are then bound together.

Can I use bias tape to bind my quilt pieces together?

Yes, you can use bias tape to bind your quilt pieces together. Bias tape is a strips of fabric that are cut on the bias, which means they are cut at an angle to the grain of the fabric. This makes them more flexible and less likely to pucker when sewn around curves.

How do I make a quilt top?

A quilt top is the layer of fabric that will be visible on the front of the quilt. To make a quilt top, you will need to begin stitching and assemble a series of fabric pieces and then sew them together. You can use a variety of methods to do this, including piecing, applique, and patchwork. See our how to make a quilt top video for complete detail.

What stitch do you use for hand quilting?

The easiest way to get started is a running stitch. In running stitches, the needle tip and quilting thread simply pass in and out of the fabric at regular intervals by using your quilting hand. Many quilters find this is a good stitch to use for quilting a straight line or for following the contour of a simple shape. As you become more comfortable with hand quilting and finish your first quilt, you can try different stitches to add interest to your quilt. What are you waiting for, get started hand quilting today.

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